Preserving the past sounds like a great idea until you find a real cool spear point…then it gets to be a tough principle to put into practice. It isn’t always about us, we must think about how exciting it was to find the point, we now have the chance to give someone the gift of discovery,and pass that gift along, so put it back where you found it.
Besides, the Archaeological Resources Protection Act protects cultural artifacts. It is illegal to remove or disturb archeological sites, historic sites, or artifacts such as potshards, arrowheads, structures, and even antique bottles found on public lands….besides it's just not a cool thing to do. Most of us are going to show our friends and coworkers and then it will spend eternity in our sock drawer. How selfish is that?
We found these points in the BRD and we put them back for you to find…Good Luck!