Sunday, January 11, 2009

Poodle Mountain WSA 142,050 acres.Poodle Mountain is located in central Washoe County about 15 miles northwest of Gerlach. The hiking is really rough with a lot of ups & downs , once you climb up on top of the table it is easier going. We hiked up to a high point to get the lay of land and we were treated to a once in a life time experience (so far anyway) we were glassing the lower slopes and spotted 115 antelope grazing on a sunny south facing slope below us. Good Stuff! We also spotted smaller herd on another south facing slope. We saw golden eagles soaring above and a playful group of sage sparrows that darted ahead of us as we hiked along with a few juncos. There were lots of coyote signs and the occasional feral horse grazing in the distance. We hiked in the Crooked Canyon area which is dotted with springs which no doubt accounts for all the wildlife we saw. The views were incredible Tule Peak and the Pah Rahs to the south, the Granite Range and Selenites to the east, the Skedaddles to the west and the Warner Mountains to the north, a very impressive view of 700 sq. miles of potential Wilderness lay before us. Our goal was the summit of Burnt Mountain , but we ran out of time and daylight. It was a great day followed by a cheese burger dinner at Bruno's in Gerlach and a speed run down 447 back to Reno in the light of the full moon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photos thanks for the posting.............