Sunday, November 23, 2008

Tahoe Meadows
When I first moved to Reno I used to go to the Tahoe Meadows (aka Sheep’s Flat) all the time. I didn’t really know where else to go hiking, but hiking around the Meadows was always fun and a great escape from the summer heat. Barby, Lucy, and I went up there on Sunday to stretch our legs, walk the dog and have a little fun together. I haven't been up there in a while and I was surprised to see the wooden footpath. I don’t like it, but I know the USFS had to do it in order to save the Meadow from over use. It has been smoky in the valley the last few days and the view of Lake Tahoe from "Chickadee Ridge" was disappointing to say the least....yuck! We need some serious late fall weather; I’m hoping we get that snowstorm that is supposed to come in later in the week that would make for a Happy Thanksgiving indeed...still praying for snow.

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